Thursday, December 5, 2019
Theory And Practice Of Change Management †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Theory And Practice Of Change Management? Answer: Introduction Envato is a retail company where I work as an operation manager, it is involved in selling clothing goods, and it falls under the category of retail good industry. The company is a brand producing fashionable clothing for the consumers of young age group. It is one of the smallest company in Australia involved in the clothing business. The smallest and new venture in the vast retail industry makes it important for the company to maintain a good communication system both externally and internally. This is because the wide spread of the retail industry makes it impossible for the business to communicate with their dealer and investors in the absence of a good communication system. The common communication channel of the company is through traditional phone calls or physically visiting the stores to take the orders and giving the delivery (Perrin 2015). The paper focuses on the changes that are bought in the communication system of the company Envato where I work as an operation manager to modulate their communication channels and make their expansion path much easier. It will further analyze the effect of the change on the employee, on me as I need to manage all the operation work and on the future growth of the organization. The report will also discuss about the way the company managed the change and my learning experience from the change. The change in event in the organization The organization in which I am involved in has to communicate with the dealers, investors and the intermediaries on a daily basis to keep a track on their supply and total number of sale in the market. As I am the operation manager, I have to communicate on the daily basis with the dealers and the retail stores where the products are getting distributed. For this purpose the company maintains a good communication system with their partners that are involved in giving them business. Previously I used to carry out the communication activity with the help of traditional communication tools such as phone calls, mails or physically visiting the franchisee stores to see the sale growth and demand. However, recently the company was facing a problem in its communication system, which was leading to their downfall. There were incidences witnessed by me of increasing loss and cheating by the retailers as some of the sale details was not shown in the data. This forced the company to take up ste ps for improving their communication channel. The company recently introduced a new communication system in their organization to keep a close contact with their dealers and with their other branch offices (Hayes 2014). It introduced their own online portal in which the dealers and the other branches of the organization need to update their data every day. The dealers can now order their products online directly so that the company can keep an easy track of the outgoing and incoming products. The online portal and social media presence of the company is also launched to maintain a good relationship with the customers. It was also done to make my work easier and required me to carry out all the transactions and tracking work through the online channels (Hutter et al. 2013). Effect of the change According to my knowledge the change brought about by the company in their communication system both with the consumers and with their employees and franchisee, partners helped me to maintain a quality data about the dealers and daily orders made. However, at first I faced a lot of challenges in using the online channel and this reduced the motivation in me to work for the company. Even though it was done to make my work easy, it did not seem easy to me at first. It made me feel that the complications has increased further and it might create more mistake. This was because I was not aware of the usage of online channels and the strength the social media hold with the customers. However, the effect of these changes was negative initially on me and my co-employees of the company. This is because I needed some time to adjust with such changes. I found difficulty in being acquainted with the online channels of communication such as chat, emailing and running the portal effectively. This is because I was so well acquainted with the traditional method and due to lack of training; I did not know the way of using the online channel and thus failed to take the right advantage of it. Some of the employees also left the organization because of this reason as they were also feeling left out with the new online communication tool. Thus, the companys aim to improve their marketing approach and customer relationship with these online communication tools has also prove to be detrimental because of the unsupportive employees. On the other hand, slowly we noticed that with the introduction of these communicating channels, the data maintenance of the business improved and error has reduced largely. Moreover, customers can now recognize the company in a better way as they could view the products of the company on their online website before ordering it. This helped to increase the customer retention ability and customer attraction ability of the company. My thinking about the change According to me, the change that has been introduced in the company has both positive and negative effect. The negative effect is discouragement caused in me and the mployees to work after the introduction of the online communication channels because the employees were finding it difficult to deal with these channels due to lack of training. We failed to understand the long-term effect of this change in the organization and on the pattern of their work. On the other hand, we also experienced that the company also gained some positive effect from the change in their communication channel as it helped us to reach to the customers and dealers easily and effective maintenance of the data. Further, through social media channel the company was able to spread its media presence in the market. This further helped the company to increase their customer recognition and customer retention power. Thus, according to me the change was appropriate for the company because it facilitated my work to m aintain data and also for the positive effect on the customers (Best et al. 2014). However, the company needed to plan something to incorporate change in a systematic manner in order to stop putting negative effect on me and company partners. Method of managing the change Change is never ending factor when it comes to a new organization like Envato as the company goes on incorporating change in the company every now and then for the better growth of the company. However, the change had to be done on a systematic manner in order to reduce its negative effect on the company as well as other. Noticing the effect of the change I advised the senior managers and CEO of the company on starting with the change with proper planning. Planning is the initial step in which the company needs to structure out the change and the person to be involved in the change. It also allows the company to realize the persons to be affected by these changes and the result of such an effect. Second I asked them to involve every one of us of the organization in the discussion meeting to discuss the need of the change and the perception they keep about the importance of such a change. This will make them feel secure and help the company to know the problem they might face after th e change (Belias and Koustelios 2014). On my advice the company arranged for training classes for the employees to get acquainted with the new system of communication that the company wants to bring in their organization and to motivate them to use the new system. This further helped us easily deal with the online communication channels and complexity and increase their employee retention capability. Application of theories Change is of various kinds such as transformational change, environmental change and incremental change. However, each of the change has different meaning and application in the organization. The change experienced by me in Envato includes both transformational change and environmental change. This is because the alteration in the communication channel of the company had an effect on the external environment such as the customers, dealers and others and also on the internal environment. The transformational change that is being caused by the communicational change affected the values and culture of the organization as well. Thus, along with the communicational change the company considered other changes as well and on my advice tried to manage it. Thus, it required multiple levels of decisions to be taken by the authorities on this ground. The best way of managing the change was to move systematically such as unfreezing the state bringing the change and refreezing the change state. T he company unfreeze the past communication channel by reducing the use of traditional communication method. Change was bought by incorporating the communication channel like social media presence, online site and other (Worley and Mohrman 2014). Lastly, it refreeze the change by making use of the online communication channel on the day-to-day basis. This is the way the company easily formulated transformational change in the organization. My learning from the change I have been able to learn a lot from the change by analyzing various challenges and opportunities it puts on the organization. By analyzing various concepts and theories of change, I got to know the difference between various types of change bought in the organization such as external and internal changes and the way the organization can deal with it. Moreover, I also got to know the challenges a company can face by bringing a sudden change in the organizational system such as grievances form the employees, external partners and others. Due to raise of such grievances I also learnt about the ways n which a company can manage the change. The change management techniques that I learnt from the organization I work in are that the company should first approach its employees before bringing any change. This will allow the company to know the challenges the employee can face, the thinking of the employees about the change and the way it can start bringing those changes. This will increase the trust of the employees for the organization. Lastly, it should also important that the company effectively convey the message about the change to the customers so that they can make maximum use of it. Thus, I learnt that in this way a change could be successful for an organization both internally and externally. Conclusion From the above analysis, it can be concluded that for the company to bring about a change in its organization and to make it successful it needs to take u various steps. The steps to be taken involve planning, discussion and implementation. The failure of Envato to adopt these steps at the initial stage of communicational change in their organization leads to various drawbacks. Thus, a proper method of unfreezing, bringing change and refreezing needs to be followed by the company. However, Envato was able to acquire a lot of positive impact as well by adopting modern means of communication in its organization. The main benefit was the increasing customer traffic and retention of customers due to increased brand recognition. Thus, change management can reduce the negative effect and allow only the positive effect if deal in a proper manner. References Belias, D. and Koustelios, A., 2014. The impact of leadership and change management strategy on organizational culture.European Scientific Journal, ESJ,10(7). Best, P., Manktelow, R. and Taylor, B., 2014. Online communication, social media and adolescent wellbeing: A systematic narrative review.Children and Youth Services Review,41, pp.27-36. Hayes, J., 2014.The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave Macmillan. Hutter, K., Hautz, J., Dennhardt, S. and Fller, J., 2013. The impact of user interactions in social media on brand awareness and purchase intention: the case of MINI on Facebook.Journal of Product Brand Management,22(5/6), pp.342-351. Perrin, A., 2015. Social media usage.Pew Research Center. Worley, C.G. and Mohrman, S.A., 2014. Is change management obsolete?.Organizational Dynamics,43(3), pp.214-22 Theory and Practice of Change Management – Question: Discuss about the Theory and Practice of Change Management. Answer: Introduction The purpose of this essay is to explore the most important issues related to strategic human resource management. This has been regarded as one of the most important issues in the shaping of the organizations in the best ways. Qantas Airlines has been chosen as the company to be focused on. They have spent a lot of time in developing their corporate strategies. The various ways in which the Qantas Airways is trying to gain the competitive advantage over their competitors will be discussed in this essay (McGrath, 2013). They have to set the new targets in front of them so they can achieve them and be the unparallel one. They have to focus on the workplace culture as well. The HR strategies of this organization will be highlighted in this essay in order to find out the challenges they have been facing. As the HT strategies are very important, they will have to be discussed and the ways they can achieve the organizational success would be discussed here as well. It is very important to incorporate the HR strategies in the strategic plan of the organization. Qantas Airlines has always catered for the benefits and advantages of the customers in all the ways. They have adopted some of the strategic approaches by which they can achieve the organizational objectives in the best ways (Briscoe, Tarique Schuler, 2012). This organization is considered to be the largest airline in Australia. The Human Resource Department of the organization looks after all the major issues in the organization like the employee recruitment and selection, employee remuneration, employee development and the other important issues (Kehoe Wright, 2013). The HR managers also adopt the certain strategies by which the organizations can develop themselves and compete with their rivals. They work in a very competitive industry so they need to provide their employees with the best kind of training and provisions for achieving the objectives of the organization (Briscoe, Tariqu e Schuler, 2012). The strategic plans that Qantas had taken in terms of their HR policies are to cut the costs of different segments in the organization. They have also focused themselves on decreasing the labor costs that could help the better productivity in the organizations (Briscoe, Tarique Schuler, 2012). The HR management looks after the moderating policies of the wages to cut down the costs. They wanted to build up a flexible and highly motivated workforce that could be essential to meet the requirements of their customers. The organizational structures should also be made flexible as well for the benefit of the organizations. Some of the ways in which the labor costs could be decreased are the reduction of the salaries and wages and strike off the costly practices within the organization (Briscoe, Tarique Schuler, 2012). The experts have said that these types of problems for the organization have been very much recurrent. This will ruin the reputation of the organization (, 201 8). The Qantas airlines have faced many challenges in their internal and external business environments. This is why they had to make several challenges in the entire system so they could eliminate all the challenges (Van De Voorde, Paauwe Van Veldhoven, 2012). The factors that propagated these changes were the need for gaining more profit. The company had to maintain the hierarchical structure that it followed along with the autocratic leadership (Bhatti et al., 2012). Sometimes the employees have been deprived of several facilities. The organization has posed some strict rules that have been very problematic for the organization (Van De Voorde, Paauwe Van Veldhoven, 2012). The training process of the organization went through a thorough change in the year 2003. The HR management of Qantas had expanded the apprenticeship program of the company. The learning and training process had to be reinvented to have the best results. As training and recruitment are very important for the organi zation, Qantas is trying very hard to implement these issues into their strategic plan (Shields et al., 2015). Rationale for the workforce related strategies in the HR The Qantas Airlines have adopted some strategies by which they can motivate the workforce. This will enhance the performance of the organizations and employees in the best ways. They have looked to strengthen their workforce in the best possible ways (, 2018). The workforce planning has been very efficient and they have been trying to implement the best strategies. Thus they will be able to get the best results if their employees perform at their best. They have always wanted to provide the employees with a fair recruiting process that will make the recruiting process a transparent one. They focus on the selection, sourcing and appointment of the best candidates into their organization according to their merits. They like to develop the skills of the people as it is needed. The managing process of the candidates has to be done properly. They want to make sure that the new employees can get onboard very quickly and smoothly (, 2018). The HR management is always keen on the fact that they have to create a work environment that could be competitive but the employees would feel secure to work in it (Shaw, Park Kim, 2013). They provide the best environment so the people can feel excited to complete their works. The performance of both the individuals and managers has to be managed so they can meet the requirements and improve their performance (Shields et al., 2015). The HR management of Qantas has always stressed on improving the personal and professional development of the employees (, 2018). The employees who possess proper talent are supported by the HR managers properly for their learning and development (Harrison, 2012). The HR managers also give the employees proper opportunities for their betterment (, 2018). The workforce related priority for the HR The HR department of Qantas airlines always wants to provide their employees with the best opportunities and facilities so they could retain the talents (Jackson, Schuler Jiang, 2014). Their soul interest is to develop and maintain the talents within their organization as the business industry in which they operate is very much competitive. They always want to build a proper workforce that could lead up to the expectations of the organization. They always prioritize on providing the stakeholders the best options for their investments (Brewster, 2017). They give security to their employees in the best ways. Many employees suffer from several issues in the workplace. The employees who face these issues should always bring them in front of the HR management (Hendry, 2012). The issues like the interpersonal conflicts among the employees, the misbehaviors among them and the results of the internal recruitment procedures. If any employee breaches the legal policies or the guidelines the H R department takes strict actions against them instantly (Cascio, 2018). The Whistleblower policy has been seen as one of the best policies in the Qantas airlines (, 2018) Many issues and challenges have been seen in the HR management of the Qantas airlines despite the success of their job design and change management (, 2018). In spite of the cutting the labor costs to increase the productivity, they have failed to design an effective change management that should have been non-biased (Jiang et al., 2012). Some important things have been seen in the context of Qantas that the organization is not paying the workers proper salaries and they have gone for strikes for that as well (, 2018) Qantas should have ensured the proper remuneration of the employees that is very well justified. This is why it is very much disgraceful that a famous and well reputed organization like Qantas has not been able to pay their employees properly. This has been registered as a very challenging issue indeed (Bratton Gold, 2017). Ways to implement best HR practices in the organization After going through these several challenges in the organization like Qantas, they should implement some strategies so they can get back their lost reputation in the industry. As the company is suffering financially, the HR managers need to draw up a plan to bring back the sustainability in the business. They need to arrange one to one interviews with the employees who are very much displeased with the payment implications. The payment issues should be resolved by implementing some long-term strategies to get financial benefits (, 2018). The skill gaps in the organization should be covered. They should redesign their training and communication models properly so the employees can perform properly. Qantas has recently taken up the market oriented approach that has hampered their employee engagement. This is why the organization should take up the employee oriented approach and implement the strategies properly. These are the ways of reviving the lost reputation (Truss, Ma nkin Kelliher, 2012). They should invest their money on the pilot candidates. They should also stress on the innovation, creativity, safety of the passengers and more productivity. Thus the organization can regain their spot in the industry (Buller, McEvoy, 2012). If Qantas can develop these HR plans with success and implement them properly they can surely develop their place in the industry. As one of their main issues is the paying the wages to the staffs, they should be able to make the proper arrangements for the overstaffing. Then they can pay the wages to the best employees only (Lashley, 2012). The HR strategies should always be able to ensure that Qantas is always responds to the necessities of change (Dwertmann Kunz, 2012). The HR strategies of Qantas should unite all the perspectives of the managers in the way that they can address the challenges in the best ways. Qantas shall put these different issues like the retaining the talents in the workforce for a better future for the organization (, 2018) Conclusion This essay can be concluded by saying that Qantas has taken up some good HR strategies that could lead the organization to enhancement but their poor implementation power has ruined their strategies. The workforce related strategies of the Qantas airlines have been discussed in this essay and the challenges and issues have been highlighted. The proper recommendations have been provided on how the HR practices could be improved. Thus they can enhance their business performance and provide the best facilities to their employees. References Bhatti, N., Maitlo, G. M., Shaikh, N., Hashmi, M. A., Shaikh, F. M. (2012). The impact of autocratic and democratic leadership style on job satisfaction.International Business Research,5(2), 192. Bratton, J., Gold, J. (2017).Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave. Brewster, C. (2017). The integration of human resource management and corporate strategy. InPolicy and practice in European human resource management(pp. 22-35). Routledge. Briscoe, D., Tarique, I., Schuler, R. (2012).International human resource management: Policies and practices for multinational enterprises. Routledge. Buller, P. F., McEvoy, G. M. (2012). Strategy, human resource management and performance: Sharpening line of sight.Human resource management review,22(1), 43-56. Cascio, W. 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