Monday, April 20, 2020
International Red Cross Movement
Introduction The International Red Cross Movement is a worldwide organization with a branch in almost all countries across the world. Apparently, the movement is made up of a number of components that include the International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on International Red Cross Movement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (1999), there are about 186 National Societies that also form part of the International Red Cross Movement. Arguably, the International Red Cross Movement is the most expansive philanthropic organization that exists in the world today. It is managed by a strong team of qualified staff scattered in different parts of the world. Presently, the operations of the International Red Cross Movement are carried out by approximately 100 indiv iduals comprising of volunteers and staff. Their efforts are augmented by National Societies and collaborating partners in different countries. The movement plays a pivotal role of meeting the needs of the poor, preserving lives and promoting human dignity. Underlying all its operations is the alleviation of poverty and human suffering. Although the different components that make up the International Red Cross Movement are distinct from each other, they work jointly to facilitate the delivery of critical services to the intended beneficiaries. The International Red Cross Movement thus provides a platform for the integration of the different components. History of the International Red Cross Movement The Red Cross Movement began its operations in 1863 under the leadership of Henry Dunant, a businessman of Swiss origin. Disturbed by the suffering that thousands of men left to die after the battle of Solferino in the year 1859, Dunant chose to respond differently. Apparently, these men died as a result of neglect since none of the warring parties could provide help save their lives. Dunant came up with the idea of establishing relief societies not aligned to any particular party to provide assistance to the wounded (British Red Cross, 2014). The relief societies were to consist of volunteers equipped with skills and training to impartially take care of the wounded during times of war. This was later followed by the establishment of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva, Switzerland and the drawing of the Red Cross charter in 1863. Since its establishment in 1863, the movement has been very instrumental in providing assistance to those aggrieved as a result of war or because of different calamities (International Committee of the Red Cross, 2014).Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Usually, victims of war are forced to flee their homes or countries of birth in order to seek refuge in other countries. They are also made to lose loved ones, property and their dignity. According to the International Committee of the Red Cross (2014), the organization accomplishes its objectives through direct involvement in issues that affect humanity across the world and by promoting the formation of laws that uphold human dignity. Structure At the very top, the International Red Cross Movement consists of an Assembly and an Assembly Council. The Assembly Council is a subsidiary of the Assembly with certain powers delegated to it (International Committee of the Red Cross, 2014). The top leadership also includes a Directorate which is the executive body of the movement and ensures a smooth running of the organization’s affairs. The Directorate acts under the guidance of the Assembly and the Assembly Council as may be appropriate. The Assembly and the Assembly Council are chaired by the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross assisted by a Vice President. The Directorate on the other hand is made up of five members and is chaired by the Director General. Issues that relate to policy formulation, strategy and decision making regarding the development of international humanitarian laws are all handled by the Assembly and the Assembly Council. The Assembly also controls what is done by the Assembly Council and the Directorate. Effectiveness of the International Red Cross Movement Over the years, the International Red Cross Movement has touched the lives of many victims of war, natural disasters as well as criminal activities across the world. In the United States, a number of states have been hit by natural disasters and the Red Cross movement has been instrumental in helping the affected to rebuild their lives after the calamities. Many other parts of the world have also benefited from the activities of the International Red Cross Movement including war torn places in Africa. The conflict in South Sudan, for example, has left scores of people homeless and many have been forced to flee to neighboring countries. With help from supporters, the International Red Cross Movement has already provided support to many who have been affected. In solidarity, the British Red Cross pledged a substantial amount of money to facilitate the operations of the International Red Cross Movement. The efforts that have been made by the International Red Cross Movement can not be underestimated. While it might take the government too long to respond to an emergency situation, all that the International Red Cross Movement needs to know is that there is a need somewhere and without wasting time, specialized teams of volunteers and experts will be on the ground working hard to restore normalcy.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on International Red Cross Movement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On many occasions, the movement ha s been involved in working closely with victims and ensuring that they are able to stand on their own before leaving. Reasons of Effectiveness The effectiveness of the International Red Cross Movement can be attributed to a number of reasons. One of the greatest strengths of the International Red Cross Movement is its commitment to offering voluntary services. According to the tenets of the International Red Cross Movement, nothing matters more than preserving lives. While money plays a big role for some humanitarian organizations, service to humanity is critical for the International Red Cross Movement. Another reason for its effectiveness has to do with the fact that all members of the movement are required to subscribe to a strict code of conduct. Adherence to the code of conduct enables all players to behave appropriately when called upon to deal with an emergency. The code of conduct clearly stipulates that delivery of services to the affected must be in accordance with the req uirements of the international humanitarian law. Though voluntary, organizations that subscribe to the code of conduct are expected to enforce its application in their various operations. The International Red Cross Movement has also succeeded because of the huge support received from collaborating partners and well wishers. Organizations and individuals across the world recognize the efforts of the Red Cross Movement to protect the interests of the less fortunate (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2011). By working closely with such organizations, the International Red Cross Movement is able to finance its operations without much struggle and as a result, provide essential services to the needy. Ordinarily, assistance may be in kind or in monetary form. Effectiveness of the movement’s operations is also as a result of being transparent and accountable in running its affairs. Certainly, failure to account for resources has a very negative impac t on charitable work. On the other hand, both transparency and accountability encourage sponsors to continue with their acts of philanthropy by supporting the activities of the International Red Cross Movement.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As part of its transparency policy, the organization allows sponsors to visit any project they are supporting. In case a sponsor has given substantial contribution towards a project and he or she wishes to visit, it is possible for the Red Cross Movement to make arrangements for this to happen. The need for accountability has thus played a very big role in ensuring that the International Res Cross Movement is effective in its operations. The International Red Cross Movement also benefits greatly from its huge pool of volunteers. Usually, the cost of maintain volunteers is reasonable and does not place a heavy financial burden on the organization. While volunteers benefit from the world class training offered by the Red Cross Movement as well as an opportunity to get experience in offering humanitarian services, the International Red Cross Movement manages to get its work done much faster because of the huge population of volunteers at its disposal. The relationship between the Red C ross Movement and the volunteers is thus mutually beneficial. To ensure that volunteers deliver as expected, they are taken through a vigorous training that includes understanding the tenets that govern the operations of the International Red Cross Movement. The principles that are used to provide guidance include respect for humanity, upholding the spirit of impartiality, remaining neutral when offering services to the afflicted, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality. Due to the number of disasters that the International Red Cross Movement has to deal with, staff and employees are often prepared to respond swiftly in most emergencies. Professionals and volunteers who work for the movement are also constantly engaged in research to understand how to deal with calamities or emergency situations. Normally, they would focus on strategies that help in predicting hazards, assessment of the environment in order to single out vulnerable areas and communities that may be seriously affected in case of a disaster. The International Red Cross Movement is also involved in advocacy activities aimed at ensuring that the world is a better place for everyone to live in. Global Performance of the International Red Cross Movement The International Red Cross Movement has a presence in most countries across the world and its determination to save humanity has received praise from many beneficiaries. Despite being scattered globally, the various representatives of the International Red Cross Movement in different countries pull resources together to provide a solution in the event that a disaster occurs anywhere in the world. Because of the movement’s global presence and elaborate network of collaborators, it is often easy to get organized and act when disaster strikes. Generally, the International Red Cross Movement stands from other humanitarian organizations because of its dedication and selflessness to fight for the rights of the disadvantaged in the society. All over the world, the International Red Cross Movement has been working alongside other humanitarian organizations to preserve life and to uphold respect for humanity. According to Global Road Safety Partnership (2014), a world disasters report released in 1998 indicated that the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent, a component of the International Red Cross Movement, was the first to talk about the global effect of road carnage. As a result of the intervention by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent, the World Bank and the British Department for International Development (DFID), formed the Global Road Safety Partnership. The creation of the Global Road Safety Partnership opened an avenue that brought together stakeholders from government and civil society to devise strategies of addressing road carnage issues. This is a very clear indication of how the International Red Cross Movement influences decision makers on behalf of many o thers who may not be in a position to do so. As pointed out earlier, the International Red Cross Movement has for a very long time been involved in influencing the formulation of policies that uphold human dignity. Often, the needs of the less fortunate in the society are neglected in various levels of government. As such, policies that are developed by government officials do not recognize their needs. By cooperating with other international humanitarian organizations, the International Red Cross Movement has been able to spearhead the formulation of laws and policies that are inclusive and demonstrate respect for humanity. According to the International Committee of Red Cross (2010), the growing number of armed conflicts across the world presents a serious challenge to the work of the International Red Cross Movement. Unfortunately, conflicts arise and continue for a very long time without a definite end. Certainly, the responsibility of caring for those affected becomes strenuous both emotionally and financially to those involved in offering help. The conflicts that have been experienced in the Middle East and many other parts of Africa are a clear example of how involving the work of the International Red Cross Movement can be. The International Committee of the Red Cross (2010) also postulates that the emergence of new challenges such as environmental degradation and effects of climate change will compel the International Red Cross Movement to create new partnerships, widen its networks and have a very strong presence in different countries. Conclusion The challenges faced in various parts of the world today require a proactive approach by humanitarian organizations. Natural calamities, civil wars, climatic changes and acts of terrorism are all responsible for destabilizing the society in one way or another. Victims may end up dying, displaced or becoming refugees in foreign countries. The role of the International Red Cross Movement is thus very critical in supporting the affected. Although governments make attempts to assist the afflicted, the help often comes in late or may sometimes be insufficient to fully address the problem at hand. By working closely with well wishers and volunteers, the International Red Cross Movement always endeavors to provide the much needed support without showing favoritism. To ensure effectiveness in service delivery to the affected, the International Red Cross Movement works with professionals to predict hazards and understand the ability of vulnerable groups in the event of a disaster. Effectiveness of the International Red Cross Movement is further reinforced by having a strict code of conduct that member organizations have to subscribe to. The movement also promotes a high level of transparency and accountability which motivate supporters. References British Red Cross. (2014). The beginning of the Red Cross Movement. Web. Global Road Safety Partnership. (2014). International Federation of Red Cro ss and Red Crescent Societies. Web. International Committee of the Red Cross. (2010). ICRC Strategy 2011-2014: Achieving Significant Results for People in Need. Web. International Committee of the Red Cross. (2014). History of the ICRC. Web. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). (2011). Red Cross Red Crescent Perspective on Aid Effectiveness. Web. International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. (1999). Red Cross and Red Crescent History. Web. This essay on International Red Cross Movement was written and submitted by user Aubrey Goff to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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